Ryan McCarthy

Thinking Outside The Box: AdRizer's Culture of Innovation

To meet and exceed client's goals means constant innovation... and not just technological.

The Direct-to-Consumer Catagory Matures

As AdRizer prepares to launch its AI-powered revenue attribution and optimization solution for advertisers with conversion tracking, A+B testing, and tag management, we’ve been thinking a lot about Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) brands and how to help them reinvent consumer distribution channels

Cortex Illuminates as Google Goes Dark

During the recent Google Ad Manager outage, countless advertisers and publishers floundered for days in the dark. AdRizer's Cortex Revenue Atrribution platform helped illuminate the way.

Stay Ahead of The Game by Understanding CPM Trends

Our Media Analysts live and breathe campaign analytics, and CPM is watched carefully all day because it is the baseline metric that affects all others. Fluctuations in CPM have a direct impact on RPU and the overall financial performance of your site. They are one of the key metrics to track as you manage and refine your goals.

Headline Dos and Don'ts

There’s a fine line between headlines which are compelling and those that many would consider “click-bait.” Part of that relies on your long-form content telling a story, the rest is reliant on the headline you use to tease that story to elicit a click. These are some of our "best practices."

Grab Attention with Arresting Images

Maybe you’ve had a campaign get rejected, or maybe you’re just doing your due diligence before diving into Cortex to begin creating your first campaigns. Either way, these tips will help you get on track and empowered with some of the current best practices for ad creation on our partner sources in 2019.
From the Blog

AdRizer Brings 21st Century Corporate Culture to Sarasota

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Digiday Publishing Summit Highlights

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AdRizer Cracks the Top 15 of Inc. 5000's Fastest-Growing Companies

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Download the Pixalate Seller Trust Indexes

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The Direct-to-Consumer Catagory Matures

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